Touchstone Fireplace Featured on Military Makeover TV Show — Modern Blaze
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Touchstone Fireplace Featured on Military Makeover TV Show

Touchstone Fireplace Featured on Military Makeover TV Show

Modern Blaze and Touchstone donated a fireplace to the family of Chris Hixon who lost his life shielding students during the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, FL.

Chris is survived by his wife Debra and their two sons, Thomas and Corey.

Military Makeover TV Show carried out a top-to-bottom renovation of Hixon Family home that you can watch over several episodes here:

Before and After

Any proper makeover has before and after photos, we've got them too. 


Hixon Family Military Makeover Before

And here is after the Military Makeover crew installed our Touchstone Sideline White Fireplace:


Hixon family military makeover fireplace

Hixon Home Makeover Reveal Video

The reveal is always the best part of the remodeling project.

The results of this makeover are stunning and the reactions of the family members are priceless!

Our favorite part is where Dabbi goes "...I feel like I'm in a dream! ...Oh, I can' t believe there is a fireplace in the house!"

A Special Thank You

After the filming crew left and Dabbi and Corey had a chance to enjoy their new home, they sent us this special thank you email that melted our hearts:

Modern Blaze staff,
We just wanted to thank you for your very generous donation for our Military Makeover. The fireplace is fabulous, we love just still in the living room and watching it glow! It is a focal point in our spectacular house and a wonderful addition to the design. It means so much to have the community share in this amazing experience with us and support our family. Your kindness reminds us that good does still exist.
God Bless You,
Debbi and Corey Hixon


We saved this email in a very special folder and we'll keep it forever in our hearts.

If you want to learn more about Military Makeover or want to suggest a deserving veteran family to receive a complete home renovation Click Here

Want to save on your fireplace purchase? Click here to get on our email list! 

Continue Reading:

Expert Review of Touchstone Electric Fireplaces

Electric Fireplace Buying Guide


Fireplace Featured in The Article:

Touchstone Sideline White 50" Electric Fireplace

All Electric Fireplaces:

Modern Electric Fireplaces

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