Ventless Gel Fireplaces: Modern Home Decor
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Gel Fireplaces

Gel fireplaces create beautiful flames without any smoke or smell. They are completely ventless and can be placed anywhere you like. 

These fireplaces use clean alcohol-based fuel to burn. The fuel comes in canisters that can be simply dropped inside the fireplace and lit up with a lighter.

To extinguish the flame - simply cover it up with a snuffer tool tha. . .
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Gel fireplaces create beautiful flames without any smoke or smell. They are completely ventless and can be placed anywhere you like. 

These fireplaces use clean alcohol-based fuel to burn. The fuel comes in canisters that can be simply dropped inside the fireplace and lit up with a lighter.

To extinguish the flame - simply cover it up with a snuffer tool that comes with the fireplace.

Benefits of gel fireplaces: easy to use - affordable - can be used anywhere you like - real flames without smell or smoke.

Ethanol fireplaces are fuelled by alcohol-based fuel, just like gel fireplaces. If you'd like to learn more about ethanol fire features, see Our Complete Guide on Bio Fireplaces

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